The mission

We support the safeguarding of the environment and personal safety by reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields from your cellular phone. We try to help people in different areas of the world, providing a better life experience, while creating an ideal value: “Freedom to communicate”. Enjoy the trust of over 100,000 satisfied users.

Our customers

The products distributed by TelecomSatItalia, with other brands, are in the catalogs of important networks across Europe, Russia, and the USA. Such as Wind Telecom, B-Line, Vodafone, Tele2, Telenor, CosmoTe, MTS, T-Mobile, AT&T, Telus, Claro, and with the 5Tacche brand they are available from the most important electrical and electronic material distribution networks in Italy and various importers around the world.


With over 200 models, we offer the widest range of products at the medium-high end of the marketplace, dedicated to Consumer, Business, and Telephone Operators with the most sophisticated technologies, to regenerate the signals of terrestrial and satellite mobile telephony networks such as Inmarsat and Thuraya. Domus, Professional, DAS Multi Cox, DAS Fiber, Digital, and Satellite are the lines that identify the application fields of 5Tacche amplifiers. All models are equipped with an ETH port for remote control allowing the reception of functional states in real-time in compliance with the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED).